Saturday, December 8, 2007

Fed Ex Air

Oakland, CA

I occasionally volunteer for a theatre in Oakland. On Friday night the theatre's $24000 light board fried on the inside. At 6 AM the manufacturer bought a cargo space on Southwest Airlines and sent the theatre a new light board. Being the only guy on crew with a truck, I got to drive out to Oakland International to pick it up today. I was this close to some really big planes.


  1. I am SO JEALOUS!!!! That's awesome!

    As always, thanks for helping me get my plane fix. I know I can always count on you, Sean :-).

  2. Plus - just to reinforce my plane-geek status, I was sure to look up those planes online to see what kind they are. The ones on the left are either Airbus A-300s or A-310s, and the one on the right is a DC-10.

  3. *edit* One of the ones on the left - the shorter one with the T-tail - is a 727.
