Back in December I had a doctor tell me my ears were full of wax. He told me to start using Debrox. So i do, but it doesn't seem to be cleaning them out. So today I did what my mother used to do - I used Q-Tips. That didn't do a whole lot of good either. Not only did I pull a whole bunch of wax out - but now my ear feels clogged. I would say I'm open so suggestions, but it may fall on deaf ears.
I was carrying a microwave down the gang plank last night when I smashed my knuckles on one of the safety rope poles. The wound is on my knuckle so it won't heal and kept opening up. They have strict rules at work about bleeding on clients so all day long I had this bandage on it. It was as good as having a neon sign on my hand saying "Asking me what dumb thing I did to my hand?" I think every client and building staff person asked.
I work for a health organization. In the last 24 hours we have gone on red alert with every man at his battle stations preparing for the horrible pandemic coming our way. However, this is not a time to lose your sense of humor. So today I posted pigs along with our Swine Flu information. Tomorrow I will put wings on the two bigger pigs so that we have true swine flew.
I was cleaning behind my monitor at work today and discovered this. I guess I brought it to work and forgot about it. It was hard at the bottom, mushy toward the top and molding on the very top.
It's a wire grate bridge that is hard to drive over because you're constantly losing traction. When John got us evicted last July we looked at a place in Rio Vista, but the idea of taking this bridge every day - occasionally in the rain - was enough to convince me to stay in Antioch. The only reason I traversed it tonight was to make sure my Fastrak was working. (BTC- sleep)
Back in November My father and I went to Santa Cruz. As we were walking on the pier there were several homeless people asking for spare change. Then we came upon a guy that was taking leaves and making bracelets, crowns and roses out of them. We asked them how much and he said it was up to us - it was our own donation. We talked to him for some time before he eventually just tried to give us one. I insisted on paying. I was going to send it to Melinda but I never got around to it and now it has become a permanent member of my dash board in my truck.
I went to Costco tonight to buy Fastrak for my truck and this was waiting for me out side. It was 95 degrees today so I don't have a clue where all those clouds came from for a sunset.
This won't mean anything to most of you, but I went to class today in shorts. The last school I attended I signed a contract that prohibited shorts on Campus and in the classroom. It's a very freeing feeling to be able to wear shorts on a hot day.
One of my customers has a bathroom with a murial on the wall. You sit on the toilet and it feels like you are sitting on the porch of a massion looking out over a valley. Very cool.
Shell, Robin, Joe and I went to the beach tonight to take pictures. I took over 50 shots and these are the top five that all tie for the prized Photo a Day shot. I'll load the BTC one's in a few days as I process through them all. Enjoy these until then.