Saturday, April 18, 2009

Muir Beach revistited.

Muir Beach, CA

Shell, Robin, Joe and I went to the beach tonight to take pictures. I took over 50 shots and these are the top five that all tie for the prized Photo a Day shot. I'll load the BTC one's in a few days as I process through them all. Enjoy these until then.


  1. Very nice! I think the bottom two are really my favorites (though I haven't looked at the BTC ones yet). :)

  2. I've all but decided that the second one from the top is my favorite.

  3. Shell will be happy you like that last one. She asked me to take that specific shot.

  4. Even if it IS a cold beach, I don't care. I love it.. it's one of those beaches where you don't have to worry about wearing a swim suit.. you can let your senses take over without feeling self-conscious. Once again I am crazy-jealous :-(
