Friday, March 21, 2008

A little bit for Everyone

A Sunset picture
A blurred reflective shot
I big thing for Dun
A picture of me for Olivia and Melinda to admire
Flowers for Melinda (California Poppy)
A perspective shot for Lindy
And water for Gu


  1. u ruined it with the boat.

    thanks anyway, though.

  2. it's okay, u can just do better next time. Like dedicate a whole week to pictures just for guh...

    yeah, i think that would make up for it...

  3. I'll tell you what gu...if you can go a month with your own PAD blog, I'll take a week out of regular PAD stuff and take pictures just for you.

    To clarify:

    31 days of
    7 days of dedicated to Gu.

  4. r u sure that url's available?

    do i have to have a brand new blog, or can i do it on my existing blog?

  5. o- and for ever 31 days i continue the blogg, do i get a week dedication.

    cuz these are my terms and conditions... sooo...

    perhaps we can work something out?

  6. I would STRONGLY advise you create a new blog to post pictures. It is really helpful to have a blog specific to just PAD.

    And, no, this is just a one time deal. your first 31 days = 1 week on So after 31 days you are welcome to blow off PAD.

  7. Thanks for my dedicated picture...although, I really liked all of them. Bridges, oceans and big boats are all favorite things of mine :-).

    Maybe sometime another light board could break so you could go to the cargo terminal and take more FedEx plane pics...? :-)

  8. I'll make you a deal Dun - You start a photo a day blog for a month and I'll dedicate one post a month for the rest of the year to planes.

    To clarify:

    31 days of
    9 guarenteed plane pictures.

  9. aaron can't even post on a regular blog every day, what makes you think he'll be able to do a pad?

  10. Besides, you and I both know, all he's going to do is go to Provo Airport every day and take pictures.

  11. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
